The Faculty of Sciences is an institution for the creation, transmission and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge that promotes a culture of permanent learning, valuing critical thinking and intellectual autonomy. Its mission is research and teaching, and the transfer of knowledge and innovation in the areas of exact and natural sciences and technosciences, as well as the dissemination and sharing of cultures, stimulating permanent openness to civil society. (Order No 11913/2021. University of Lisbon. Approval of the Statutes of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. Diário da República, 2nd Series. Part E. Article 2. December 2, 2021)
In order to support and enhance the activities and investment in Research and Development , FCiências.ID - Association for Research and Development of Sciences was created, a private, non-profit association, with the status of public utility, by joint initiative of the Faculty of Sciences and 6 private companies. FCiências.ID is the legal representative of 19 research centres of the Faculty of Sciences, covering all areas of Science. The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, as the host institution of these centres, provides the overall scientific framework and logistical support for the research activities.
More information is available at: https://fciencias-id.pt
Mais informações estão disponíveis em: https://fciencias-id.pt